
Where does the outside begin?

Where are you welcome?

Where are you free?

Where are you safe?

Where do you belong?

Where are you said to belong?

Where are you loved?

Where do those places intersect?

Do they at all?

Where do You live?

Here’s your bed, over there are the bathroom and the kitchen.
You can only leave camp with a permission.
But I wouldn’t recommend doing it too often here.
Why don’t you love me back?
I didn’t notice you left.
Being forced to smile for pictures
If you don’t like it here, go back to where you came from.
How come you could be accepted here at all?
You are not special, you are a failure, when you die,
everyone will continue with their lives as if you had never existed
I lost my love and my home at the same time

You shouldn’t go out into that crowd,

you still have people to care after.

It was 4 am and he just kept staring at me on the train.
I still felt his gaze on me when I opened my door even though he had rode on.
What is she doing here at all?
That must be those foreigner quotas.
Noh, on ilmselt valitud lihtsat teed.
I am sorry you think you deserve an apology...